November 9, 2023

How "The Mom Test" Can Help Non-Tech Founders Validate Their App Ideas

How "The Mom Test" Can Help Non-Tech Founders Validate Their App Ideas


Are you a non-tech entrepreneur wondering, “How do I validate my app idea?” If so, you'll want to know about “The Mom Test,” a concept introduced by Rob Fitzpatrick. It's all about getting honest feedback from potential users without them just being nice to you. By applying “The Mom Test,” you can know if your app idea is good and gather valuable insights to build a successful product. Let's dive into how you can use this method effectively.

Table of Contents

  1. What is "The Mom Test"?
  2. Key Principles of "The Mom Test"
    • Focus on Their Problems, Not Your Solution
    • Ask Specific, Detailed Questions
    • Check if They’re Paying Already
    • Look for Behavioral Patterns
    • Show, Don’t Just Tell
    • Be Ready to Hear Bad News
  3. How "The Mom Test" Helps Validate Your App Idea
  4. Implementing "The Mom Test" in Your App Development Process
  5. Conclusion
  6. Ready to Bring Your App Idea to Life?

What is "The Mom Test"?

“The Mom Test” is based on a simple concept: Don’t ask your mom whether your business idea is good because she loves you too much to be objective. The same happens with potential users. They may lie to you to be nice. Instead, reach out to them and try these tips.

Key Principles of "The Mom Test"

Focus on Their Problems, Not Your Solution

Do not mention your app idea. For example, if you're developing a productivity tool, ask about the most time-consuming tasks they do, not whether they would use a new productivity tool.

Ask Specific, Detailed Questions

Avoid yes/no questions. Instead, ask about specific past experiences to get stories and data. Questions like “When did you last experience this problem?” or “What have you used to solve this issue before?” gather more valuable insights than “Would you use an app that does X?”

Check if They’re Paying Already

If people are already spending money on a solution, it shows they’re seriously looking for help.

Look for Behavioral Patterns

Look at what people do, rather than what they say they do or would do. If several interviewees mention using a particular type of app daily, that’s a solid indicator of a real need.

Show, Don’t Just Tell

Show them a prototype and watch how they use it. Their reactions can tell you a lot about how user-friendly your app is.

Be Ready to Hear Bad News

Be open to negative feedback (it is often more valuable than praise). Constructive criticism helps refine your idea and adjust, saving you time and money in the long run.

How "The Mom Test" Helps Validate Your App Idea

  1. Validates Ideas Early: By focusing on user problems and experiences, you validate your app idea before investing significant time and resources. This early validation helps you pivot or refine your idea based on real feedback.
  2. Builds Better Products: Understanding user pain points allows you to design features that truly solve their problems. This leads to higher user satisfaction and a more successful product.
  3. Reduces Risk: Honest feedback from potential users helps you identify potential pitfalls and areas for improvement. This reduces the risk of building something nobody wants.

Implementing "The Mom Test" in Your App Development Process

  1. Prepare Your Questions: Before conducting interviews, prepare a list of open-ended questions focusing on the user's experiences and problems. Avoid leading or suggestive questions.
  2. Conduct Interviews: Reach out to potential users and schedule interviews. Aim for a conversational tone and be genuinely interested in their experiences. Record the interviews if possible for later analysis.
  3. Analyze Feedback: Review the feedback to identify common themes and pain points. Use this information to refine your app idea and feature set.
  4. Iterate and Test Again: Use the insights gained to make informed decisions and iterate on your app concept. Conduct further interviews as needed to validate changes and improvements.


"The Mom Test" offers a powerful framework for non-tech founders to validate their app ideas and gather valuable user insights. By focusing on the user's life and problems, asking about specific instances, and listening more than talking, you can uncover genuine needs and build a product that truly resonates with your target audience. Implementing this approach in your app development process not only reduces risk but also ensures you're creating something that people will love and use.

Ready to Bring Your App Idea to Life?

I'll provide the essential groundwork and first steps to get you started. Check out The MVP Starter Kit and get a custom-Designed Prototype to share with potential users, Tech Guidance, and a Product Roadmap, all tailored for you. No more guessing - start creating your idea today with a Tech Expert by your side!