November 9, 2023

Non-Tech Founders: Here’s Why You Need a Fractional CTO

Non-Tech Founders: Here’s Why You Need a Fractional CTO

Starting a tech business when you’re not a tech expert can be exhausting. As a non-tech founder, you probably have enough on your plate without having to worry about things like picking the right programming language for your app. 

No wonder why Fractional CTOs have become so popular in the past years, especially among startups and small businesses.  

What is a Fractional CTO?

A Fractional CTO is your go-to tech expert but on a part-time basis. They step in part-time—just enough to empower your business with their knowledge and skills. They’re all about giving you the tech knowledge you need, just when you need it, without breaking the bank. 

But Fractional CTOs are not just technology experts. They are Executive-Level Professionals who have worked in the industry for years in tech leadership roles, so they also understand business strategy. They have a deep understanding of technology trends, software development, and they are capable of aligning technology with your business needs. 

Benefits of a Fractional CTO

Imagine having someone to help you make sense of all the tech talk, tell you what tech is worth investing in, and help you pick the right people to build your app. That's what a Fractional CTO does:

  • Time-Saving: You won’t waste hours figuring out tech on your own.

  • Strategic Insight: They understand business, not just technology. They will ensure your technology strategy aligns with your business goals. 

  • Leadership: From hiring new developers, to managing a team of devs making sure a software development project stays on track. 

  • Smart Spending: Avoid unnecessary high tech costs. They help you use your tech budget wisely. 

  • Flexibility: Fractional CTOs are seasoned professionals. They will adapt to your business needs without a full-time commitment. 

Fractional CTO hourly rate

CTOs are Executive-Level Professionals, they’ve worked in the industry for years. They are not only technology experts, but also strategic thinkers. So it is expected to find prices that range between $100 to $300/hour. 

The good news is that, since you’re just starting out, you won’t need one on a full-time basis. With only a few hours per month you’re good to go. 

This is why a fractional CTO is your greatest ally here: you get the Executive-Level knowledge without a monthly scary cost.

Is a Fractional CTO Right for You?

If you’re starting a tech business and feel lost in the tech world, a Fractional CTO could be the answer. They’re your go-to for tech decisions, your advisor for tackling new tech challenges, and the leader who makes sure everything tech-related in your company is running smoothly, while you focus on growing your business.

If you’re ready to take your tech business to the next level without breaking the bank, think about going fractional. It could be the smartest move you make.

Ready to see how a Fractional CTO can help your startup?

With years of experience helping tech startups grow towards success, I can provide the tech guidance and expertise you need at a fraction of the cost. 

Shoot me an email at and let me save you several tech headaches.